Purpose Driven Leadership Training



About Our Purpose Driven Leadership Training

Hi, I'm Dr. Alise

Founder/CEO: Gusto, Now!

Gusto, Now! is founded and led by Dr. Alise Cortez, our Chief Ignition Officer. She is an organizational psychologist and logotherapist, inspirational speaker, researcher, author, and host of the Working on Purpose podcast.

An American, she lived in Spain and Brazil whose warm and passionate cultures and languages inform her “gusto” practices today. Having developed her expertise within the human capital / organizational excellence industry over the last 25 years, she is focused on enabling organizations to lead from purpose and create cultures activated by meaning that inspire impassioned performance, fulfillment, and significance while encouraging a devoted stay within the organization. Through culture and organization consulting, she has helped develop and transform dozens of organizations, and thousands of managers and executives in their leadership along the way. She speaks English (native), and Spanish and Portuguese conversationally.

Gusto, Now! is clear about why we exist and how we focus our efforts to matter.

Our mission

Working with forward-reaching organizations through programs and consulting, we develop conscious, inspirational leaders and enable them to transform their organizations into high functioning, profitable enterprises by activating meaning and purpose to create vibrant, nurturing cultures that produce high performance, commitment, and innovation where people ache to belong, while delivering operational results that delight all stakeholders. 

Our Values

Purpose + profit, higher purpose, business as a force for good, conscious capitalism, experiential learning, social impact, sustainability, mindfulness, potential, self-realization.

Our purpose

To guide and support companies in creating “destination workplaces” that are irresistible to the heart and souls they rely on because they elevate consciousness, growth, and belonging and fulfill the human need to experience mattering, meaning, purpose.  

Our vision

We live in a world where business, the most adept, catalyzing engine, champions a more enlightened and capable existence by consciously elevating all its stakeholders; and where people are deeply fulfilled at work, realize the best versions of themselves through the nurturing stewardship of their leaders in doing so, and are vitally inspired and dedicated to produce great work and quality innovation that creates a better world for us all.


Our Passion and Offerings

Often, work is perceived negatively, as if it's just another burdensome four-letter word. My mission with purpose driven leadership training is to transform this perception by aiding organizations in developing into destination workplaces. Here, individuals are guided by motivational leaders who not only recognize their innate talents but also nurture their growth towards achieving their full potential. Through culture and organization consulting, I strive to create environments where employees feel a sense of pride and belonging, fully invested in something they can genuinely be proud of.

  • Culture: Equipping you to build a culture activated by meaning and purpose to unleash vibrant and inspired performance and innovation.
  • Stakeholder Visioneering: Envision the tremendous energy you can harness when every stakeholder is in perfect alignment and is wholeheartedly enrolled supporting your company's purpose!
  • Executive Leadership: Vitally Inspired. Engagement, productivity and innovation skyrocket, as teams are motivated at their highest level to give their best to inspirational leaders like you.
  • Management Training: Managing Through Meaning. Equipping you to create an environment where “meaning” is an everyday experience that motivates and fulfills each team member while stewarding the workload.
  • Teams: Strengths-Based Teams program that helps each person discover and understand their strengths and find frequent ways to use them at work unleash passion and contribution.
  • All Team Members: Grab Your Gusto, a digital learning platform designed to nurture passion, inspiration, meaning, and purpose – vital ingredients for well-being and ongoing learning and development.


Executive Leadership

Teams Training

Stakeholder Visioneering

Management Training

All Team Members


Certifications & Affiliations

With purpose driven leadership training we help you turn ON intrinsic motivation to power your organization.

Purpose-led companies outperform their counterparts by a factor of up to 15 times, which is one reason investors opt to provide their resources to them – they earn a better return.
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Only 23% of the world’s employees are engaged in their work.

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Companies with higher engaged employees are on average 21% more profitable.

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By 2030, over 50% of the workforce will be Gen Y and Gen Z insisting on meaningful work with purpose.

Gusto, Now!
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Working with Gusto, Now! will shift 60%+ of your workforce to being engaged.


Results From Working With Gusto Now!

Hear What Our Clients Say

"Alise is a captivating speaker with outstanding insights about Employee Engagement. She’s a tireless and dedicated researcher who is able to present complex ideas in direct and understandable language. Her infectious energy and wisdom about human relationships is reflected in the great work that she does."

Mark Snyder

Regional Leadership Forum Facilitator, Society for Information Management

“I have had the pleasure of knowing and working with Alise Cortez for over a decade. Her ability to create new understanding in the management/leadership development arena and apply that into scintillating classroom experience is unparalleled! I highly recommend her and her work and partner with her at every opportunity!"

Michael Rochelle

Manager, Leadership Consultant, CRM Associates

"I was enrolled in Alise’s leadership sessions and they were life changing.

She helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses so you can better harness your skills and experience to be the best leader you can be. Through the sessions I was able to find deeper value and meaning in the work I do by further exploring my purpose and passion. Not only did I gain leadership skills to use in the office but my personal life benefited as well. Whether you are looking to develop your leadership skills, be re-motivated, find the connection between your work and passion, or improve communication skills, you will be able to do so with courses from Alise. The knowledge I gained from this experience will stick with me forever and I believe everyone would find value in sessions with Alise."


Sustainability Consultant

"Alise’s presentation was inspiring and uplifting. It was like “lifting the veil” to reveal the good, the bad, and the ugly but sprinkled with hope for the future of our Gen Y & Z in the workplace."

Genevieve Nicholas

Owner/Facilitator of Saddle Up Life Skills Sustainability Consultant

"Dr. Alise Cortez strength finding assessment session during Leadership Texas- Dallas, helped me to unlock a force in me that has been dormant. I am naturally an encourager and motivator of others, but I didn’t feel like I had the right cheerleaders in my life. I realized the evening of our session, that no one can encourage me, like my “true” self can. I studied what the assessment said, and Dr. Cortez masterfully guided us to embrace our strengths and to not look at them as weaknesses. Our strengths are what have gotten us this far, but often, we think we need to pivot because we haven’t truly embraced those things as strengths because they come so naturally. I harnessed the momentum from the session, and I did something bold and brave on my job and the results were successful. Thank you, Dr. Cortez, for reigniting my purpose and meaning!"

Veronica Tucker

Group Director for Consumer Operations PROJECTXYZ,Inc.

Great Revitalization Best Practices assessment

Want a gift?

Do you know if your organization is equipped to operate in the purpose economy where team members crave meaningful work and the opportunity to grow into their full potential? Find out by downloading and completing the Great Revitalization Best Practices assessment to evaluate your organizational fitness for today’s times. Once you discover your score, let us know if we can help.

Great Revitalization Best Practices assessment

Going for the GUSTO - Your Guide to Zesty Living

Your little vitamin of goodness to lift and vitalize you

Inspirational nuggets and learning guide posts including blog posts and new podcast episodes.