Organization Workshops & Training

Equipping people and organizations to be vitally alive, vastly fulfilled, and wildly effective.

Our leadership development programs teach people practical skills like effective communication, handling conflict, working from their strengths, strategic thinking, developing creativity, teamwork and collaboration, managing teams, and leading organizations. Any and all we offer include content designed to increase the capacity to experience more meaning, passion, purpose, inspiration, joy, gratitude, wonder, and awe to develop a fuller human being, who is then equipped to relate, create, and perform on a much higher level.

Executive Leaders

Vitally Inspired: Living and Leading from Meaning and Purpose

It’s a new frontier, and thriving in today’s business world requires conscious, inspirational leadership, a keen understanding of the workforce’s needs and wants, and a whole, new cultural playbook anchored in meaning and purpose.

You need a set of strategies and applications that enable you to create an experience in your organization where your people give their best, feel fulfilled in their work and relationships, can work toward realizing their potential, and will persevere alongside you along the way. Not only will you be completely rejuvenated and elevated by exercising this kind of agency, but your business will be radically enlivened and realize better results.

Meaning and purpose are a powerful mixture to unleash the potential of everyone in your stakeholder community while breathing vital breath back into your own lungs. Here is your opportunity to transform the Great Resignation into your Great Revitalization with our organization workshops, training, and leadership development programs.

Mastermind for Business Leaders/Owners

It’s lonely at the top, and as a leader you need constant, ongoing training and a safe and confidential space to share your concerns and get advice and ideas from fellow leaders.

Groups meet monthly with agendas that include: subject-matter-expert sessions, hot seat showcases featuring a member’s challenge or opportunity for input, brainstorming and problem solving, personal and professional development, and goal setting and accountability, among other areas. Offered in Dallas and other cities and virtually.


Manage Through Meaning: The Power of Nurturing Connection, Fulfillment and Growth

For many, work has become a negative four-letter word, and the workplace is often described as a soul-draining space. According to the Gallup Organization, just 33% of individuals feel engaged in their work, leaving a significant number essentially "living dead" as they navigate their days – a reality that likely includes a substantial portion of your organization's workforce.

The predominant reason cited for leaving a job is the employee's manager. Despite this, organizations frequently allocate minimal time and resources to develop their managers, who play a crucial role in meeting their team's needs and effectively overseeing their performance. However, there's a potential to reshape these discouraging patterns. In a world where emotionally intelligent, well-prepared managers are essential, the call is for individuals who guide their team members toward greatness while providing unwavering support to those contributing their skills to fulfill the organization's mission.

People find their highest motivation levels when they can link their work to a larger purpose and mission. This is where you, as a capable and compassionate manager, step in. By fostering this connection with organization workshops and training, you can be the driving force that empowers your team to reach new heights.

Organization Workshop & Training


Modes of Engagement in Teams

Do you understand your personal connection to the work you do? What about the unique way each of your team members experience meaning in their work and connect to it? The way you and your team members experience work can be incredibly empowering, unleashing tremendous energy and creativity – or dismally draining and soul-sucking.

The meaning ascribed to work has a powerful, synergistic impact on how we experience its relationship to our personal identity – that is, who we are, how we think of ourselves, and how we engage with the world. And that connection between our work and how it informs our personal identity drives our decisions, behavior, and overall effort.

Participants in our organization workshops and training programs learn their own current mode of engagement, realize the pros and cons that accompany it, and consider ways to adopt other modes of engagement that can better suit their values and goals, if change is desired. Whether your current mode of engagement is your ideal, this program allows both the organization and the individual to discover ways to enable a more fulfilled, engaged, and productive workplace.  Based on Dr. Cortez’s research, yielding 15 Modes of Engagement.

Strengths-Based Teams

While many professionals recognize they must “overcome weaknesses” to have a successful career, they often do so at the expense of maximizing their strengths and thus miss the opportunity to thrive in their organization. By way of synergy, organizations that foster a culture grounded in strengths also register greater levels of productivity, innovation, and retention.

When employees are encouraged to do tasks they really enjoy, they experience increased intrinsic motivation and longer periods of concentration, and thus persist at tasks longer – all of which propel creativity and productivity. Leaders who help each person discover and understand their strengths and find frequent ways to use them at work unleash passion and create a team dynamic that people desperately crave. Strengths-Based leaders seek, prize, and lean on distinctive talent that stands out, especially from their own.

Looking for ways to constantly leverage the bundle of different ways team members think, feel and behave becomes the lens of a Strengths-Based Leader. Employs Gallup’s Strengths assessment.

Full Organization

Grab Your Gusto: Vitality and Well-Being from the Inside Out

A webcast learning platform (live and recorded) designed from Dr. Cortez’s Purpose Ignited book content to develop the capacity of each individual in the company to nurture passion, inspiration, meaning and purpose – vital ingredients for well-being.

Customizable organization workshop and training packages include weekly video webcasts, a library of audio podcasts, and experiential exercises to apply the learning.

Ideal to address or avoid burnout, low motivation or productivity, and mental health issues while demonstrating your care, support, and commitment to well-being and ongoing development. Offered as a subscription service.

What People Are Saying About Gusto, Now’s training:

Ready To Get The Most Out Of Your Team? Contact Gusto Now! Today For Leadership Development Programs, Organization Training, Masterminds and Workshops!